A new generation of state-of-the-art batteries, which are easy to fit and suitable for a wide array of applications.
The FIAMM Easy Rider range with Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology brings you all the energy and reliability you need for your outdoor leisure activities and guarantees convenience, safety and long service life for professional installers.
The battery range Easy Rider covers all application needs of the two-wheel world and beyond. It meets the needs of the most modern high-performance vehicles – including those equipped with sophisticated on-board electronics.
By implementing AGM technology, Easy Rider batteries are supplied ready to use. They are filled with electrolyte fluid and do not need to be activated. This is a key advantage because the batteries can be mounted in critical positions ensuring tightness in sports applications involving intensive use or high physical stress.
Quality checks can already be carried out already in production on AGM batteries in the new Easy Rider range. In this way, FIAMM immediately prevents malfunctions and guarantees even higher quality levels than usual.
The Easy Rider is perfect for scooters, motorbikes of all sizes, jet skis and snowmobiles. Easy to install, durable and safe, these batteries guarantee everyday reliability and are dynamic adventure companions, always ready to explore new horizons.
When you get into the seat, just think about enjoying your free time outdoors: take it easy!
🇮🇹 La tecnologia AGM permette alla gamma Easy Rider di essere facile da montare e al tempo stesso sicura. Un vantaggio fondamentale, soprattutto nelle applicazioni sportive che richiedono di montare la batteria in posizioni critiche.
Scopri le caratteristiche della nuova gamma di batterie Easy Rider: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
🇬🇧 AGM technology makes the Easy Rider range both easy to install and safe to use. This is a key advantage, especially for sports applications where the battery needs to be installed in critical positions.
Discover the features of the new Easy Rider battery range: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
#TakeItEasy #fiamm #fiammbatterie #fiammbatteries
🇮🇹 Qualità superiore: @frankymorbido do x Easy Rider!
Scopri anche tu la nostra nuova gamma di batterie versatili e facili da montare: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
🇬🇧 Superior quality: @frankymorbido do x Easy Rider!
Discover our new range of versatile and easy-to-install batteries: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
#TakeItEasy #FIAMM #FiammBatterie #FiammBatteries
🇮🇹 Di prestazioni elevate @89jorgemartin se ne intende, e consiglia le batterie Easy Rider. Grazie a lui e al team @pramacracing!
Scopri di più sul nostro sito: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
🇬🇧 High performance? @89jorgemartin n knows all about it and recommends Easy Rider batteries. Thanks to him and the @pramacracing cracing team!
Find out more on our website: bit.ly/EasyRiderF
#TakeItEasy #FIAMM #FiammBatterie #FiammBatteries
🇮🇹 Di prestazioni elevate @89jorgemartin e @frankymorbido se ne intendono, e consigliano le batterie Easy Rider. Grazie a loro e al team @pramacracing!
Scopri di più sul nostro sito: LINK in bio
🇬🇧 High performance? @89jorgemartin and @frankymorbido know all about it and recommends Easy Rider batteries. Thanks to them and the @pramacracing team!
Find out more on our website: LINK in bio
#TakeItEasy #FIAMM #FiammBatterie #FiammBatteries
🇮🇹 Finalmente ci siamo! Arrivano le batterie Easy Rider: facili da montare e adatte a un’ampia gamma di applicazioni diverse, sono pensate per la comodità di chi vuole godersi il tempo libero all’aperto.
Le consiglia anche @89jorgemartin del team @pramacracing !
Scopri di più sul nostro sito: LINK in bio
🇬🇧 The wait is over! Presenting Easy Rider batteries: easy to install and suited to a wide range of different applications, designed for those who want to enjoy their outdoor free time.
They`re also recommended by @89jorgemartin from the @pramacracing team!
Find out more on our website: LINK in bio.
#TakeItEasy #FIAMM #FiammBatterie #FiammBatteries